The job of a professional inventory clerk is first and foremost to create a detailed report of a property using a combination of clear imagery and matching descriptions.
Inventory reports are designed to defend the landlord or tenant in the event of damage caused to the property due to willful or negligent behaviour.
Imagine then signing the inventory report below.
This is the poorest excuse of an inventory report we have seen in years, from a “professional” inventory company too I might add, whose details have been removed to protect whatever legal ramifications could exist by showing this abomination.
Not only does the inventory report contain zero supporting imagery, which would mean the true condition of anything cannot fairly be proven, the descriptions themselves were not accurate.
The company who provided this inventory report seemingly re-used previous copies and only updated the current date!
What would happen in the event you signed this and ended up in a rental dispute.
Now sadly this may be the poorest inventory report we have seen in years, but many more exist only slightly better.
Be careful when using a new inventory services company.
Always ask to see copies of their inventory reports before engaging in business together.
The aim of choosing an inventory partner is to provide you with peace of mind, not for them to try and take a piece of your mind with such substandard service.
If you’re looking for an inventory partner you can trust with over 15 years experience in the Greater London area, contact us today.
Attic Inventory will help you provide professional inventory reports as well as Check-In / Check-Out services, Snagging, Interim Inspections and more.
Get in touch and let’s discuss your inventory needs.
Wishing you success.